Wells of Life Update
Background on Wells of Life
Founded in 2008, Wells of Life is a Christian non-profit organization that provides access to clean water for impoverished communities in Uganda. Wells of Life partners with rural communities to build sustainable drinking wells that serve more than 630,000 Ugandans. The wells are built with longevity in mind, so Wells of Life has contracted repairmen and inspectors to assess and repair all their wells. The organization also provides sanitation and hygiene educational programs for these communities. Wells of Life is completely devoted to decreasing the clean water deficit and increasing the quality of life for those in need.
Update on BCS Well
Earlier this year, in celebration of 20 years in business, BCS made a donation to Wells of Life to sponsor the restoration of a well in Nkuubi Village in Uganda. BCS is excited to announce that the restoration of the well has completed construction and is back up and running helping 1,200 villagers lead more healthy and productive lives!
How Wells Provide for a Community
Securing a local well with clean water provides numerous benefits to a community including health benefits of greater overall health and nourishment and lower infant mortality rates. A local well also saves 4-5 hours daily for communities that previously had to travel great distances to the nearest water source. The time that Ugandans get back by not having to travel for their water means they can focus on earning extra income or taking care of their families. BCS is dedicated to moving communities forward, so this well will continue to be a source of inspiration for us and a beacon of our mantra.