Bond Consulting Services Prepares for Day 1 of Microsoft Convergence 2014

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The team at Bond Consulting Services is ready to hit the bustling city of Atlanta for Microsoft Convergence 2014! Eric Klauss and David Gersten have landed in Atlanta safely and have begun snapping photos and sharing them on Twitter.

We prepared our clients for the big event by hosting Convergence Chat Live! – a quick run-down of Convergence 2014 with a Q&A to address our clients’ questions. We discussed the agenda, featured events and shared best practices including helpful tips for attendees. David Gersten offers the following:


David Gersten’s Top Planning Tips for Attending Microsoft Convergence:

  1. Bring plenty of business cards
  2. Wear comfortable shoes
  3. Go to the Keynotes
  4. Pace yourself
  5. Plan your schedule in advance
  6. Make connections in advance
  7. Attend the expo many times
  8. Bring BandAids
  9. Bring plenty of bottled water

Stay tuned for more updates!